PASSPORTS HAS MOVED TO THE 2ND FLOOR IN THE SOUTHWEST DEPARTMENT, LOCATED NEXT TO THE ELEVATOR. As of 2/10/25, if you show up to an appointment 15 minutes or later without notifying us, you will forfeit and give up your appointment and have to reschedule.
PASAPORTES SE HA TRASLADADO AL 2DO PISO EN EL DEPARTAMENTO SUROESTE, UBICADO AL LADO DEL ASCENSOR. A partir del 10/02/25, si se presenta a una cita 15 minutos o más tarde sin notificarnos, perderá el derecho a su cita y tendrá que reprogramarla.                                 


The Ector County Library is now a passport application acceptance facility with a self-service passport photo booth. Passport services are by appointment only. (NO RENEWALS FOR ADULTS)

Processing Time


What to know

  1. Appointments typically last 30 - 45 minutes per person/application.
  2. Passport staff is fluent in both English and Spanish.
  3. You must apply in person if:
      • You have never been issued a U.S. Passport. 
      • You were under the age of 16 when the previous passport was issued.
      • Your most recent U.S. Passport was issued more than 15 years ago.
      • Your most recent U.S. Passport was stolen or lost.
      • Your name has changed since your previous U.S. Passport was issued and you are unable to legally document your name change.

What to bring

  1. Completed unsigned passport form (using black ink ONLY)
  2. Valid photo identification (i.e. Driver's License, must be in color) AND proof of U.S. citizenship (i.e. Birth Certificate, okay if b/w - if you don't bring copies, b/w is 10 cents per page and color is 25 cents per page)
  3. Your own 2"x2" color passport photo.
  4. A money order for the application fee (payable to the U.S. Department of State) AND a separate payment of $35.00 for the acceptance fee (payable to the Ector County Library).

We may NOT accept credit card payments on behalf of the State Department application fee. They only accept personal checks or money orders for the application fee.

Application fees can be found here: Ector County Library Acceptance fees in the amount of $35 may be paid by money order, cashiers check, and credit card.


La biblioteca de Ector County ya es una Instalación de pasaportes y cuenta con un fotomatón. Los servicios para pasaportes son solo por cita. (NO RENOVACIONES PARA ADULTOS)

Tiempo de Procesamiento

6-8 semanas en Routine (tiempo regular)

2-3 semanas en Expedited (tiempo rápido)

Que saber

1.Citas duran aproximadamente 30-45 minutos por persona/aplicación.

2.El personal de pasaportes hablan español y ingles.

3.Aplicar en persona si:

-Si nunca a sido emitido un pasaporte U.S.

-Si eras menor de 16 años de edad cuando se emitió el pasaporte anterior.

-Si tu reciente pasaporte de U.S. fue emitido hace más de 15 años.

-Si tu mas reciente pasaporte U.S. fue robado o perdido.

-Si tu nombre a cambiado desde tu pasaporte U.S. anterior

Que traer a tu cita

1.Solicitud de pasaporte completa y sin firmar (solo tinta negra)

2.Foto valida de identificación (ejemplo: licencia de conducir) Y prueba de ciudadanía estadounidense

3.Tu foto de pasaporte 2X2 en color

4.Un Giro postal para la tarifa de solicitud y otro giro postal de $35.00 para la tarifa de aceptación

NO se acepta tarjeta de crédito. Solo giro postal y cheques personales.

Tarifas de solicitud pueden ser encontradas aquí:

To schedule an appointment

Ector County Library
321 West 5th Street
Odessa, Texas 79761
Phone: (432) 332-0633
Library Hours
Monday - Saturday 9:00am - 7:00pm
(2nd and 3rd Floors closed Saturday 1:00-2:00 for lunch)
Closed Sunday

Computer Lab Hours
Monday  - Saturday 9:30am - 6:30pm
Closed Sunday

Passport Office
Phone: (432)803-5931, (432)803-5145


The U.S. Department of State has everything you need to know about forms. Below is the link. Please fill out the form in BLACK ink. Any other color will not be accepted.

(Click to Enlarge)
Información en español

DS-11: Application for a US Passport're applying for the first time, you're applying for your child who is under age 16, or you don't meet the requirements to renew your passport.

DS-86: You Did Not Receive Your US Passport
the U.S. Department of State completed and mailed your passport, but you did not receive it. Call the National Passport Information Center and the customer service representatives will walk you through this form.

DS-5504: Data Corrections, Name Changes and Limited Validity need to change or correct your passport, or you need to replace a passport that was limited to less than 10 years validity (which is the normal validity period for an adult's passport).

DS-64: Reporting Lost or Stolen lost your passport or it has been stolen. To replace a lost or stolen passport, you must apply in person and submit Form DS-11 in addition to Form DS-64.

DS-3053: Consent for Issuing to a Child parent or guardian cannot go with the child to apply in person for the child's passport. The parent or guardian should submit this special form in addition to their child's application (DS-11).

DS-5525: Special Family Circumstances parent or guardian cannot locate the other parent or guardian. The parent who is applying should submit this special form in addition to their child's application (DS-11).