Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.Ray Bradbury
Ector County Library Advisory Committee
Library Advisory Committee Meets Once Per Month; Selected by Commissioners Court in 2021
To make recommendations on how the library can best move forward and reinvent itself within a rebuilding downtown Odessa area
Tim Ogilvy (Chair), Principal, Ector County Abstract and Title Co.
Feliz Abalos, Attorney at Law
Wesley Burnett, Director of Business Development, Rextac LLC
Peggy Dean, CPA (Retired)
Sondra Eoff, President E-Official Enterprises, Inc. and Owner, Marriott Hotel Downtown Odessa
Hon. Dustin Fawcett, Ector County Judge (Ex-Officio)
Randy Ham, Executive Director, Odessa Arts
Howard Marks, Director, Ector County Library
Craig Stoker, Executive Director, Meals On Wheels Of Odessa, Inc.
Marissa Torres, President of Friends of the Ector County Library
John Trischitti III, Executive Director Student Learning Resources, Odessa College
J'Nevelyn White, Managing Librarian, Ector County Library (Secretary)
Kellie Wilks, Ed.D., Chief Technology Officer, Ector County Independent School District